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Re: External Modem on TP701


I just did this today (my internal modem died yesterday) you need to disable the modem 
port and enable the serial port.  Then you need to get a serial cable which has an RS-232 
connector on the other end.  Actually, these cables are not very hard to find.

Goo luck,


//--- forwarded letter -------------------------------------------------------
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Date: Tue, 27 Aug 96 17:57:27 -0700
> From: "Stephen Mosley" <mosleys@UCS.ORST.EDU>
> To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
> Subject: External Modem on TP701

> The message about external CDROM drives and the C&C game every now and 
> then reminds me of this question: has anyone out there used an external 
> (non-pcmcia based) modem on their TP? The reason I ask is because I have 
> a 28.8 USR sportster (or access to one) that I would like to hook up to 
> the port replicator on my TP for times when the internal 14.4 just won't 
> do. How do you hook up a 25 pin modem to that strange nine pin thingy on 
> the port replicator?!!? The bolts hanging out of it get in the way, and I 
> don't know what kind of converter or adapter exists that will let me hook 
> it up! Is the modem port on the TP port replicator a total kludge or what!?
> Or, perhaps it's just me...
> ==========
> stephen mosley
> mosleys@ucs.orst.edu
> "Steadfastly fulfilling minimum performance requirements for over a fifth 
> of a century."

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