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Re: Y-Cable Attachment

>Fred, perhaps you or someone else could help me out:  What is the
>part number for this Y-Cable and where/how much can I get it for?  

Oh, just found this at auctionweb. Bidding is closed, but apparently he
didn't sell them all. Perhaps you could email him and offer a similar price.

>PS/2 IBM Adapter cable - New - (item #ipu83285)
>Bidding is closed for this item.
>Bidding history page | Other auctions by this seller | Ask the seller a
>Seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item. You should contact
the seller to resolve any questions before bidding.
>Currency is U.S. dollars (US$) unless otherwise noted.
>Lowest bid for this item:              $2.00
>Quantity:                              6
>Date auction ends:                     08/27/96, 19:00:09 PDT
>Date auction started:                  08/24/96, 19:00:09 PDT
>Seller:                                judsealey@worldnet.att.net (6)
(registered user)
>First bid at:                          $2.00
>Number of bids made:                   2
>Current high-bidders:                  click here for Dutch Auction bidders
>Item number:                           ipu83285
>Location of item:                      Arizona
>Category:                              Computer Hardware - General
>     Keyboard adapter cable allows standard keyboards to work connect to
PS/2 connectors. Buyer pays shipping.
>     Arizona residents pay sales tax. 

Donald Alan Whiteside
"I like you. You're trouble." - Draal, who clearly shares my taste in women.
"Penis ownership is not a prerequisite to technological competence" - Me.