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Re: Killing OS/2 Warp, How?

Further to what John Kim has said, re deleting EA DATA.SF, you may also have
a little fun using a DOS based program to delete the furthermost branches of
the C:\OS2\ (or whateve its called) subdirectory as it can get a bit too
deep for DOS to handle.  One way round it is to use the DOS subst (or
assign) command to reduce the first few levels to a single drive letter.

My 755cx, also, had an OS/2 uninstall icon, next to the "Go to OS/2" icon,
if I remember correctly, though, in my case, once I had got to know Warp, it
was DOS that got the heave ho, so I'm afraid that I can't check or send you
the utility.

Good luck,

Dr G P Hogan
Laser Group, Clarendon Laboratory,	    Tel:   +44 1865 272205
Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PU		    Fax:   +44 1865 272400
UK				    Email: g.hogan@physics.ox.ac.uk