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Re: 701C-Windows 95-QuickRes PowerToy

Does the 701 even support multiple resolutions?

I don't think it does....~j

> From: epbrown <epbrown@enteract.com>
> To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
> Subject: 701C-Windows 95-QuickRes PowerToy
> Date: Saturday, July 27, 1996 3:31 PM
> 	Anyone have this working with their 701C?  I haven't crashed in
> Windows 95 except for when I use this app to change my display on the
> fly.  On the usenet group comp.sys.laptops I've ecieved replies that
> this does work with LCD displays, so I figure it must be me or perhaps
> the 701.  
> 	So, does someone use this successfully, and if so, what display
> type have you selected under display properties?  I'm using the
> "Standard Monitor Types Laptop Display Panel".  Is there an
> alternative for this?
> 	epbrown
> epbrown@enteract.com
> Laptop Central:  www.enteract.com/~epbrown
> for information about laptops.