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Com ports

There was some conversation here on this topic a while ago. Here is what I
believe will get you going. If it doesn't, please feel free to e-mail me and
I will attempt to assist you:

First, make sure the com ports are enabled in your BIOS using Easy Setup (F1
on boot)
Second, diable those com ports you won't be using in the Thinkpad utilities
Third (and most important): Disable the com ports you don't want using the
Device Manager under System in the Control Panel. You do this by turning
them off for the hardware profile that you want.

Then, reboot.

As long as you've disabled enough of the ports, you should have the port
back. You'll know if you have a light box, because it will light up nearly
as soon as Win95 boots. If you don't have a box, give it a try with
Hyperterm or something.

Hope this helps ya'll!

 Steve Hultquist            Founder         Worldwide Solutions, Inc.

Web, Internet, LANs, WANs, Routing, Switching, Unix, PCs, NT, 95, OS/2
	       Network and systems provider for JavaOne
http://www.wwsi.com/	 303.581.0800           Boulder, Colorado, USA