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Re: resume alarm

I am bothered by the same problem.  I bought my 701C from PC Connection
around August of last year.  I know these two things.

	Lotus Organizer doesn't do it. (Shameful since IBM owns Lotus.)
	Sidekick doesn't do it.

When you get the info, I'm also interested.  Its obvious that a
calendar program should manage this setting so the laptop will come
out of resume to issue a reminder.

I spent a lot of time on the phone with IBM support about this.  They
really weren't very helpful.  They knew of no available software for
this and couldn't put me in touch with anyone who knew the right
calls.  I just subscribed and I expect this list will be much more

They suggested leaving the laptop on all of the time.  In theory this
is fine since the "auto" settings should minimize power use.  In
practice, I have noticed that the audio circuitry doesn't turn itself
off when not in use.  Yesterday I updated the BIOS to the current rev
and I haven't checked to see if anything has changed.

Please pardon if I'm repeating past info.  I haven't checked the archive
yet.  Does anyone with a 701C notice that sometimes the battery is dead
when you don't expect it to be ?  New BIOS may address this - that's
why I upgraded.

Gabor J.Toth writes...
> Hi folks,
> I have a TP-701  and I'm  looking for some   means of setting  its resume
> alarm (that can   bring  it out   from suspend at   a given  time)  *from
> software*.  You can set  this alarm from the BIOS  setup menu OK but that
> won't do for me  for a number  of  reasons (let  me  not list  them).  My
> question  is, does anyone know  of  any program that can   set the alarm?
> Better yet, does anyone know  what BIOS function  call can be used to set
> it?  Or  even better, does anyone  know  where to  get  a full  BIOS call
> specification?
> Any help will be warmly welcome.
> -,- - - -,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Gabor J.Toth      jtoth@princeton.edu     http://www.princeton.edu/~jtoth
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jonathan Sherred			office phone: (408) 341-5248
sherred@hal.com				http://www.hal.com/users/sherred/
HAL Computer Systems			Silicon Valley - Campbell, CA, USA