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At 12:54 PM 26/06/96 -0400, you wrote:
>| I have a question for all of you 760 series owners out there, and toshiba
>| tecra owners may comment as well.  I realize this is a subjective
>| evaluation, but I wonder what you all think about the weight of these
>| machines. [...]
>I carry a 760C every day to/from work, which includes walking to/from
>subway and train stations.  I carry it in a bag with a shoulder strap.
>It is fairly heavy, but it doesn't really bother me.  I do notice it a
>bit more when I have two batteries installed.
>The floppy drive is so light that I don't think you would notice the
>difference between an empty bay and a floppy in the bay.
>Overall, I don't mind the weight.
>                                Lee Hetherington
>                                ilh@lcs.mit.edu

Ditto here,

I have a 760CD, that I usually carry alone with the CD player (not the floppy,
and no extra battery).  Also, I have a Dock II at the office, so I leave my AC
adaptor at home.

I have a 20 minutes walk to and from the office everyday.  The 760CD *is* a
bit heavy, but I don't mind it.
