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Re: Extra lit pixels...

the best thing if you can is to buy the machine under circumstances
which allow a refund or money back exchange within 30 days or whatever.
The fact of the matter is that even one bad pixel can be a darn nuisance,
and 23 bad pixels on a screen would render the machine completely
unusable (actually the criteria are more complex, they also depend on
whether the pixels are stuck on or off, and where they are in the
screen. Obviously a block of broken pixels that were contiguous which
blotted out a letter would be intolerable.

I had a friend who wasted a lot of time on a power book, because a critical
comma looked like a period (the difference in the font he was using was
a single pixel, which happened to be broken).

The whole idea of selling defective components and refusing to fix them
is a bit odd. Suppose we had to buy RAM and the salesman said, "look
we sold you 8 million bits, so you can't expect them all to be perfect".

The fact of the matter is that these days, the gret majority of TFT 
screens *are* perfect, so there is no excuse for selling bad ones. 
If I had a bad one, I would return it to whom I bought it from as
defective. I would like to see a court agree with the proposition
that it is OK to sell defective merchandise just because the 
manufacturer has declared the defect to be acceptable.