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Re: 760E

On Sat, 15 Jun 1996, Joshua Gerber wrote:

> My question: A few hours with the machine, and I"ve already discovered
> two stuck pixels on the screen--one red, one blue. Should I simply
> accept this, or should I get it easy served? (I'm thinking I might just
> wait until something else goes wrong with it. Anyone else have this
> happen right out of the box?

1)  Two stuck pixels doesn't officially qualify for replacement, but
who knows, they might let you send it in.  You might end up with a
worse display though.

2)  As a general rule, don't wait until something else goes wrong.
I got screwed over for about $300 in repairs because I waited.  It
should've been covered under warranty, but because I didn't report
it and something else happened that wasn't covered under warranty,
IBM wouldn't cover any of it.  They said having a report of it in
their database is proof enough for them.
John H. Kim            There are only two industries that call their
jokim@mit.edu          customers 'users,' and one of them is illegal.