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Re: MWave modem under Win95?

On Wed, 12 Jun 1996, Rick Tait wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I've got a Thinkpad 755CX upon which I just installed Win95.
> I upgraded the BIOS with the disk that Tech Support recommended, I
> have installed the MWave drivers for both DOS and Windows - the
> audio facilities of the MWave DSP are working fine (I have
> Windows sound and all that jazz), and Win95 *is* seeing the DSP
> modem just fine, BUT, whenever I try and use it, the modem just
> isn't getting any dialtone, when I know that the line I am using
> is fine.
> Is there anything special I need to do to get this 28.8 modem
> working properly?

Assuming that you have installed the correct drivers, and the jack 
connector is seated properly, there is another thing to try.  I had the 
same problem.  You might have an interrupt conflict.  I don't know what 
PCMCIA cards you have installed, if any.  I had this problem.  
Apparently, the MWAVE device uses ( I think ) 3 interrupts.  One for 
sound blaster emulation, one for the DSP, and one for the modem ( I'm not 
sure why ).  In my case, two of the three where fine;  I would get the 
systems sounds, some lights on the modem would flash, but no dial tone or 

Go into the driver managerand chekc ALL of the branches.  You may have an 
interrupt confict.. 

Mark M. Ingerman
Creative Software Solutions, Inc.
(508) 394-5899