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Re: Installing RedHat 3.0.3 on 760

  > What's the difference between the two operating systems

At the shell level (tcsh, bash, ksh, etc), you won't see much difference.
They both run XFree86, so you won't see much difference in the GUI either.
It's when you look underneath at how the kernel works that you see
difference.  Obviously I think BSD is more mature, stable, robust,
and so on.  The two also perform differently under load and when
networking.  Obviously, I think BSD comes out ahead here too.
This is not the right group to discuss all the reasons why you want
to run true blue Unix(tm) decescendant rather than some kludged
up hack of a toy operating system, so I won't go into this further.

FreeBSD also has a central distribution.  None of this what version
do I run, which libraries are you using, and why doesn't make work with
libc version XXX?

  > what difference does it make that it is going to be installed
  > "On a new machine, ..."?

Lots of people are locked into an OS because that's what they've
already installed on their system and "it's good enough".  Even
though there's something technically better, the pain of switching
from DOS, or Windows, or Linux is to great for them.  So a new
machine represents a great opportunity to make that leap forward.