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ThinkPad 350 forsale

I have an IBM ThinkPad 350M forsale with the specs as follows:

	4MG Ram (expandable to 20)
	125MG Harddrive
	TrackPoint II integrated mouse
	2 PCMCIA type II or 1 type III slots.
	Has OS/2 Warp loaded ...

Have used it with an external Zip drive and external SCSI cables, etc
with no problems.  Reason for selling, do not need more than 2
laptops.  Want $600 or best offer.  I have an 8MG SIMM, wetsuit and
external carrying case (executive model that retailed for almost $300
awhile back) for an extra $100.  Total package $700.  If you would
like to make me a reasonable offer, please do.

 1 Bob Angell, Principal-Systems(Industrial) Engineer / Author / Instructor
 2 Applied Information & Management Systems, 1238 Fenway Ave., SLC, UT 84102 
 3 voice:(801) 583-8544 fax:(801) 582-9543 email:bangell@venus.cs.utah.edu
 4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 5 Applied Information & Management Systems (AIMS) has services as follows:  
 6 Intra/Internet Solutions, Lotus Notes/Internotes, Multiplatform integration
 7 Networking (TCP/IP, Netbios, NFS, DCE), Custom (AWK, PERL, C++, Visualizer),
 8 Database design/development (SQL based:DB2, SQLserver, etc.), Data Modeling
 9 Operating Systems (Warp/NT Server; AIX / HP-UX / SunOS)
10 __________________________________________________________________________
11 "Had Mama Cass and Karen Carpenter shared that Ham sandwich, they would 
12 both be with us today!" - Anon  [Disclaimer:  I don't speak for the UofU!]