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Re: No Subject

In a message dated 96-06-07 09:10:15 EDT, you write:

>	Saw your note on the Thinkpad list, and it reminded me of an email echange
>we had about 5 months ago, re 701 disk upgrades.  You said that since the
>model was so new, you didn't have them yet.  How about now?  If yes, do you
>sell caddies only or just drives and caddies?  If drives and caddies, in
>sizes up to how large?
>	Thanks,
>	Emanuel

Hi Emanuel,

We are much closer to having a proprietary caddy for the 701.  It is being
tooled right now and a couple of beta units have come off the line.  Should
be another 4 weeks or so.

I'm not sure if we will sell the caddy seperately, but we'll cross that
bridge when we get there.

Best Regards,
