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ps/2 mouse under Linux on 760CD

Several days ago I had posted a message here seeking help on configuring the 
ps/2 mouse under Linux on my Thinkpad 760CD. When I tried to start X, it would 
report that the mouse was busy.
Many helpful folks here had suggested (thank you all!) that the problem could 
be due to gpm and that killing gpm would do the trick. 

I turned out that gpm was not the problem in my case (I wasn't running it 
anyway). But the problem had something to do with a second hard disk being 
present in the ultra bay. To my great surprise, the problem goes away if I 
replace the second hard disk with the floppy drive or the cdrom. 

Any ideas what could be causing this? I would like the mouse to work with the 
second hard disk installed in the ultra bay. That way I can boot linux from 
one disk and win95 from the other disk without having to shuffle the two all 
the time (I have linux installed on a 720MB hard disk and win95 on the default 
1.2G hard disk).


-- Hira.