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Re: ED Sited - First Review

"... In the interest of freedom of information, could some
kind "PC Week" subscriber please post the published benchmark results for
these machines?..."

remember that this is an exhibition, not a competition, so, please, no 
wagering.  here goes...

AST Ascentia J50 CTS 10  800/16  133mhz
Compaq LTE 5300  133mhz
Dell Latitude XPi P133ST  133mhz
HP OmniBook 5500CT  133mhz
IBM Thinkpad 760ED  133mhz
NEC Versa 6030H  133mhz
Toshiba Tecra 720CDT  133mhz
Toshiba Tecra 700CDT 120mhz

winstone 32:
AST     64.10 
Cpq      55.70 
Dell      58.90 
HP        55.10
IBM       67.70  
NEC     60.10  
T720    53.20
T700    48.30

winstone 96:
AST     53.00 
Cpq      47.30
Dell      51.60
HP       49.10
IBM      53.80
NEC     50.40
T720    46.30
T700    41.20

AST      257
Cpq       216
Dell       212
HP         236
IBM        256
NEC      242
T720     251
T700     182

AST       254 
Cpq        225
Dell        227
HP         246
IBM        254
NEC      246
T720      256
T700      187

Graphics WinMark96:
AST       13.70
Cpq        10.70
Dell        15.30
HP          12.90
IBM         17.40
NEC       14.90
T720      12.70
T700        9.85
Disk WinMark96:
AST       521 
Cpq        619
Dell         736
HP          640
IBM         828
NEC       698
T720      581
T700      555

CD-ROM WinMark96:
AST       n/a
Cpq       413
Dell        n/a
HP         450
IBM        414
NEC       560
T720      592
T700      438

the thinkpad appears to have swept it except for the cd rom.

Michael J. Verne
Systems Analyst, Ventana Communications Group
Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.
--Popular Mechanics, 1949