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Re: TP720 & PCMCIA Modem?

I have gotten this to work -- with Megahertz and IBM PCMCIA modems.  Some 
help, please:  what type of card, what type of error message (if any) 
and when you laoded Warp did you specify that you would be using PCMCIA 
cards (the default seems to be no PCMCIA support) or have you loaded the 
PCMCIA features?


Will Dunn
Leopard Communictions
Boulder, CO

On Thu, 30 May 1996, David W. Young wrote:

> Yup, I still have my clunky 720C. 
> Looking at the new 560's with intense desire though.
> Anyway, I'm at a loss as far as installing the PCMCIA modem goes under
> Warp.
> I've tried several "revised" PCMCIA socket/card service sets, various
> instances
> of COM.SYS and such, all with no luck. The auto enabler just can't get the
> binding to COM2 to stick for some reason. 
> Has anyone successfully accomplished this feat?
> -- 
> David W. Young
> Internet Systems Consultant
> Internet: dwy@ace.net  Tel: 201.798.5217  Pager: 917.537.0089