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need XF86Config for Thinkpad 760CD

   Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 10:02:09 -0400 (EDT)
   From: "John H. Kim" <jokim@beluga.MIT.EDU>

   On Thu, 23 May 1996, Hiralal Agrawal wrote:

   > I have installed Linux on the second hard drive on my 760CD. I am having 
   > trouble, however, in getting X to run on the machine. Does any one have a 
   > working XF86Config file for the 760CD that I could use.
   > I am using Slackware 3.0 Linux that comes with XFree86 3.1.2.

   The 760 uses a new Trident chipset.  You need the latest XFree86 beta.
   Try http://www.castle.net/X-notebook/index_linux.html.

Actually (unless 3.1.2E has been released), the 3.1.2D beta doesn't
work either.  There's a patched server available from