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Re: Pac Bell digital impact?


	It will have no effect on analog calls.  If you have ISDN,
then it might be an issue in that the ISDN TA you have may need to be
tweaked.  However, in any case, no damage would be done.


On Wed, 15 May 1996 10:23:02 -0400 (EDT), the sage "John H. Kim"
<jokim@tuna.mit.edu> scribed:

>On Tue, 14 May 1996, Steve Hultquist wrote:
>> At 05:50 PM 5/14/96 -0700, Kate Bauer wrote:
>> >
>> >Pacific Bell has announced that they are changing to digital equipment and
>> >say that my impact computer equipment/modems.  Any other Thinkpad owners who
>> >are also subscribers to Pacific Bell?  The equipment they're installing is
>> >AT&T 5ESS equipment, if that information is necessary for advice.  How will
>> >this change affect Mwave/DSP units?
>> Shouldn't effect analog calls (using a modem) at all, as far as I can tell.
>> the 5ESS has been around for a while and is a pretty nice switch.
>MIT uses the 5ESS for its internal phone network including dorm phones.
>I've had no problems dialing within the system on my TP750 and PCMCIA
>14.4 fax/modem.
>John H. Kim            There are only two industries that call their
>jokim@mit.edu          customers 'users,' and one of them is illegal.

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