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Re: Drifting cursor on 701C

This drifting is a function of adaptive software in the tp which checks
occasionally to make sure the strain guages in the trackpoint are centered.
If it happens to check while you are moving the cursor, it adjusts itself
to take this as non-movement.  When you stop moving the cursor, the
thinkpad thinks the cursor is still when it is in fact moving the oposite
direction.  The solution is to relax and let it go until it checks
centering again (a few seconds).  If you catch it early and relax, it
corrects very quickly.  If you keep fighting it, it will just get worse.
Think of it as zen training.

Victor Kress
Geophysical Laboratory
5251 Broad Branch Road N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20015-1305
(202) 686-2410 x2489
web page: http://granite.ciw.edu/~kress