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TP701C & PayPhone 2000 (fwd)

Posting for a friend....

trying to get a TP701C to connect through one of the payphone 2000 at 
airports, connections above 9600 are garbage strewn everywhere, it looks 
like the modem is spitting out crap at 57.6 to itself!  the buffer is so 
full that it overflows as soon as it can be disconnected.  nothign 
legible either, just kunk.  he is however using Windows 95 (I told him 
that's his problem :) )

nayone have success connecting through these?  

I gues the phone mimicks the central office to the laptop and then when the 
connection is made to a termserver it hands the laptop over to it.  kinda 

anyhow after messing with limiting the connection rate, 9600 works, but 

wondering if its an elecrical problem like mismacthed impedence between 
the tp and the phone.

don;t know if they tried a pcmcia modem, but propably have.


thanks in advance



Dennis Pantazis				My opinions are my own, and can not
<pantazis@uiuc.edu>			be interpreted as extensions of the 
Graduate Student in Civil Engineering	University's official policies, 
University of Illinois-Urbana		until they decide my opinion are
(the Extended Tour of Duty continues)	profitable to the institution!

You can see us at:  http://www.students.uiuc.edu/~pantazis
