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Re: [TIP] : sharper xdvi under Linux on ThinkPads

On Sat, 4 May 1996, Joseph Manning wrote:

> If you run xdvi under Linux on a ThinkPad, and the displayed text
> looks a little blue-gray and fuzzy, then try putting the line:
>    xdvi.gamma : 2.0
> into your .Xdefaults file.  Then type "xrdb .Xdefaults" and try
> xdvi again.  It made a substantial difference for me, as the text
> is now darker and sharper.

A little trivia that might come in handy for you graphics types.
I tried calibrating my 701's TFT gamma by eye.  It's not exact
because the gamma changes with viewing angle, but when the screen
is perpendicular to your line of sight, the gamma is around 2.0-2.1.
So if the 755CX's TFT is similar, the above xdvi option is making
things look as they should.

Don't ask me to explain what gamma is.  Go look at:

John H. Kim            "I don't want to go there today."
jokim@mit.edu             - overheard outside the Microsoft booth at
jokim@tuna.mit.edu          Internet World '95