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RE: Waaah! No sound under NT!??

On Monday, April 22, 1996 12:46 PM, Derek V. Chan[SMTP:chan4@husc.harvard.edu] wrote:
><gripe>I can't believe that IBM/MS still hasn't developed audio drivers for
>the 75x series under NT!</gripe>
>Derek V. Chan         		    | PGP Fingerprint:  CB C4 65 BA 04 04 9C 9A
>chan4@fas.harvard.edu 		    | 			FF DE 71 81 83 21 45 6B
>dchan@cybercom.net)   		    | Finger either address for PGP public key.

Yeah, but I'll forgive them after what happened on my 755Cs yesterday...I installed Service Pack 4 (10 MB download!) and my DSTN display magically and automatically booted with 256 colors! And I've read documentation by both IBM and MS that's stated that the DSTN isn't supported at more than 16 colors...weird...

Still, sound would be good. Is the audio hardware enough like any in the newer machines that have available drivers?
