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new member with modem question

Dear all,

Since a few days I am the happy (so far) owner of a
TP 701C with TFT-screen, 8 MB memory, 540 MB harddisk.
A friend of mine bought it for me in the US, so it
is equipped with a 14k4 modem (unlike the European
models I believe). However, the user manual says the
modem is only to be used in the US and Canada. Has
anyone tried it in Europe (the Netherlands in
particular)? What are the odds of damaging my computer
trying to do so anyway (jamming the telephone network
is another thing, but this is somewhat less a concern
to me ;-) )?

Regards, Maurice.
Maurice klein Gebbinck <mauricek@cs.kun.nl>
University of Nijmegen, Computing Science Institute
Toernooiveld 1, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Phone +31 24 3652710, Fax +31 24 3553450