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FS: Plugger ThinkPad 1.2GB Hard Drive - $700 Brand New, Never Used


I recently (2 weeks ago) purchased a ThinkPad 701c for development use.
Since every dealer I contacted was backorderd or out of stock on either the
540 or 720MB hard drive versions I opted for the 360 version figuring I
could pick up a bigger drive later on. Well, last week I was browsing
through an Inmac catalog and came across the Plugger series drives for
ThinkPads and spontaneously ordered the U1200 1.2GB model figuring I could
reengineer the drive or the ThinkPad and make it work. I got the drive
monday (5 days ago) and have concluded that I can not get it to work in the
701c do to physical size limitations.

Now here is the problem. The Plugger drive ThinkPad CADDY has an
antitampering seal which I had to break to get to the drive thus voiding
the warranty and my return. Since I have no use for it and have tampered
with the caddy (not the drive itself) I am willing to part with the drive
for $700 (I paid $889 for it five days ago).

It's a BRAND NEW Plugger U1200 IDE 1.2GB Hard Drive for a ThinkPad
360,370,750 and 755 (not the 701c!!), it has never been used or plugged in,
I merely cut the seal on the caddy to get to the drive inside. (which by
the way is an IBM drive!!)

Contact me at "anderso1@jeflin.tju.edu" if you are interested.

Paul A. Amderson
Biomedical/Electrical Engineer