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IdDA & TP701 Success

I finally got my JetEye InfraRed (Extended Systems 1-800-235-7576) and
after installing TranXit on my desktop, and configuring everything, I
marveled at how the two machines transfer files!  They negotiate on their 
own and transfer at about 115.2 Kb.  Its about a 3 minute meg. 
Transfers seem to go faster when the desktop is the host machine and the 
TP as the remote.

The JetEye is velcro-ed to the bottom of my monitor, nice and out of the way.

It lists for $135, but can be gotten from one of the resellers, check out 

No if I could only figure out how to get P2P to work....



Dennis Pantazis				My opinions are my own, and can not
<pantazis@uiuc.edu>			be interpreted as extensions of the 
Graduate Student in Civil Engineering	University's official policies, 
University of Illinois-Urbana		until they decide my opinion's are
(the Extended Tour of Duty continues)	worth money to the institution!!!

You  can see us at http://www.students.uiuc.edu/~pantazis !!!!!
