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Re: Linux/DOS/Win95 coexisting on 701C followup

Merlin is due out sometime mid-year ....  The beta is due sometime this month 
...  WordPro beta for OS/2 is just about ready to go.  Freelance isn't far 

As far as WebExplorer and 16-bit color, 1.03 is the version I run and it runs 
fine.  Also on the WebExplorer Home Page is a version that has Java support as 
well ( http://www.raleigh.ibm.com/WebExplorer/webhome.htm )


	jokim @ tuna.mit.edu ("John H. Kim") 
04-02-96 09:51 AM
To: Bill Abt/CAM/Lotus
cc: thinkpad @ cs.utk.edu @ INTERNET 
Subject: Re: Linux/DOS/Win95 coexisting on 701C followup

On 2 Apr 1996, Bill Abt/CAM/Lotus wrote:

> You said you got it (Wind95) so that you could use "long-filenamed HTML
> documents with a 64k color web browser".   OS/2's WebExplorer certainly 
> supports long filenamed HTML documents and you can get drivers for 
> the 701C that support 64k colors.  Since you obviously prefer OS/2 over
> Wind95 why not go back to it and get back the crash protection and
> smooth multitasking.

I thought I'd read somewhere that WebExplorer won't work in 16-bit color?
Also, I don't have an ethernet-capable version of OS/2 (The version I was
using before switching to Linux was a one-year DevCon license).

I do most of my work under Linux so Win95's poor multitasking isn't that
big a deal.  To be honest, I've almost conceded that Microsoft is going to
keep their stranglehold on the PC market, and the only hope now is that
networked apps will make the operating system irrelevent, pulling the rug
out from underneath Microsoft's base.  Did you see PC Week's recent review
of presentation apps for Win95?  Only Microsoft's Win95 app was faster
than its Win3.1 predecessor.  Everybody else's was slower.  I wonder when
the Feds are going to wake up and see that a major app company controling
the OS is not a good thing.  Ach, I'm rambling into politics...

Since you're at Lotus, I'll add that the group editing features in WordPro
are REALLY slick!  Great job.  When is Merlin coming out?  I'm more than
willing to take a look at it to run Smartsuite.
John H. Kim          "Just try telling the IRS you don't feel like
jokim@mit.edu        'contributing' this year come April." -- Bob Dole
jokim@tuna.mit.edu   on Bill Clinton's avoidance of the word 'taxes'