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Intro....& Q's

Greetings!  I have just joined the ranks of ThinkPad-ers!  I have a 701C 
DX4-75, 8 (soon to go up to 24)M and a 720 HD.

So far I have after a week of ownership played and browsed about and 
tried to get used to my TP. I have been paring down the program files, 
getting rid of crap like AOL/Prodigy etc....it has been a tedious task to 
say the least to back up the drive first via null modem and Tranxit to my 
desktop HD.

My interests for the machine are to dual boot WFW and OS/2 off of the 
720, and if I can find a 360 or 540 cheap, install LINUX or BSD on it.

A couple of quick questions though....

1.  I would like to reinstall OS/2 on an HPFS partition.  I do like the 
featured icons which allow you to change os's while in the other.  Is 
there any way to keep them even though I will put os/2 on hpfs?

2.  On transfer programs,,, Any suggestions? My 701 came preloaded with 
PUMA TranXit, although not bad, I have an IrDA adaptor, and need to 
upgrade to gain that compatibility.  Is there anything better than 
TranXit?  I had trouble running it out of a WIN-OS/2 session.

3.  On Linux-  I saw the thinkpad 755/Linux FAQ, but have not seen a 
701C/CS FAQ. Does it exist, or will anyone who has installed it get in 
touch with me please.

4.  Is there a need to run QEMM or EMM386 to better utilize available 
memory? What if any pitfalls are there?  Conflicts with the video 


I am glad that I found this email group, it is so nice to be able to be 
in the company of people with similar computre 'values' and inerests.



Dennis Pantazis				My opinions are my own, and can not
<pantazis@uiuc.edu>			be interpreted as extensions of the 
Graduate Student in Civil Engineering	University's official policies.
University of Illinois-Urbana
(the Extended Tour of Duty continues)

You  can see us at http://students.uiuc.edu/~pantazis !!!!!
