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My Screen has gone dead !
I have a TP 701 and today morning when I booted it the following happened
ever since:
Push Power Switch
Machine starts counting RAM, Screen OK
Normal Exit codes are Diplayed
HDD Starts Booting, Screen goes dark before 'Booting MS-DOS' can be displayed
Normal Boot, I can tell by HDD noise and PCMCIA Bleeps
Screen stays dark
When I Enter Bios normal display again
Bios settings correct: LCD display, normal parameters for brightness etc.
Leaving the Bios gives me back dark screen.
Machine is in normal working, I can hear my Windows startup sound etc.

I saw a similar posting, but ignored it. Now I seem to have the same prob.
If this has happened to you please mail me, but since our university is
adding new computer hardware right now, the mail might not go through.
If I don't respond your message, please repost until I can give you a 
feedback-mail. OK ? I will be monitoring my Mailbox every 6 hours.
I am Joachim Loeblein, ud1b@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de
Last Moto: I Fear Nothing
Maybe I have to change that now ...