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Greetings & a Query

Greetings to all from Kyoto, Japan. I have a TP755CD w/24 meg &
810Mb drive, which I bought last summer. No major complaints. Had
trouble with some CD-ROM software but this was fixed w/ updated
MWave drivers.

Main stumbling block now: CuSeeMe Enhanced (Win3.11) GPF's at 
connect time. Camcorder input works okay, image viewable on screen, 
but no cigar re using the thing for a practical purpose. Don't know 
where to begin to try and fix this. Am using Internet in a Box 2.0 
as my front end dialer/winsock. No problem with usual Net stuff.

Has anyone done a bios upgrade (sytpe140 ?) and is this to be
recommended? I downloaded this file from IBM but have trepidations
about 'fixing what ain't broke' and also re the doc file's warning
about frying the system board should things go wrong. I'd like to
get video conferencing to work, but this is a frill that I wouldn't
wish to take major risks to achieve. Also, I've often found that
upgrading something uncovers other glitches elsewhere. Suggestions?

John E. Goodman        jgood@mbox.kyoto-inet.or.jp