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Re: frustrations with thinkpad 701

>  2.) when I try to use the modem (when running hyperterminal), I select
>      the internal 701 modem, but then when I say dial it asks me to 
>      "insert the modem".  ????

Sounds like you need to install the MWave software (it is not included with
WIn95) in order to make your modem work. Either install 2.xx for Win3.11, or
look at the MWave site (http://watson.mbb.sfu.ca/) and download 2.10 for Win95.

Install this, and you should have a functioning modem.

>  3.) Am I correct in assuming that the serial port and modem port
>      cannot both share interupt 4?  Or can they, as lone as one
>      is serial_1 and the other is serial_3 -- and I don't try to use
>      them at the same time?

I think you're correct in saying that they can share the same interupt, but
cannot be used simultaneously. This is how COM3: and COM4: function (sharing
interupts with COM1: and COM2:)

>  4.) Is the floppy hot-swappable/hot-pluggable?

I pull mine out and swap it for the CD-Rom while running all the time.

Alex Judd

Quantime Ltd.

>Thanks!  I love the machine, but this sure is frustrating...
>  - joe hummel
>    UC-Irvine