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Re: ThinkPad vs. Competition

At 9:56 PM 3/16/96, Maury Keith Donen wrote:
>I am currently doing much research on the future purchase of an IBM
>Thinkpad notebook. The models i am considering will probably be in the
>760CD class. I recently saw a preview on the new Micro Millennia
>Transport notebook. The model had a Pentium 133mhz, 32 mb ram, 1.3GB HD,
>quad-speed CD Rom, 11.3 -inch Super VGA display, PCI 64-bit graphics
>accelerator, 256KB L2 pipeline burst cache, etc., etc. The interesting
>thing is the price is approx $5,799. I would like to know why this model
>is less expensive than the IBM ThinkPad High end models, and what you

        This is easy!

        The ThinkPads are made by IBM, the other by Micron.

        That alone should explain to you the real reason for the price
difference.  ;-)

Randy Whittle           whittle@usc.edu         http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle
USC Graduate School of Business
 "Did you really think you could call up the Devil and ask him to behave?"
        -Fox Mulder on T.V.'s "X-Files" speaking to an occult practitioner