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Re: 755C and docking station

Get the TP Utilities disk from http://www.pcco.ibm.com/ in the Thinkpad 
section.  Do the install and follow the directions.  Then after install, bring 
up the power settings and check the box that says to "Don't suspend when the 
lid is closed" or something similar.  Should work like a champ.  To bad Wind95 
won't ...

Have you thought of OS/2 Warp ???  It'll run a lot better on the 'C' than 
Wind95.  The MS junk sorta gets lost without it's PNP ....

 Warping into the Future
 OS/2 Warp and Lotus Notes

	rjking @ kodak.com ("King, Randall") 
03-12-96 08:32 AM
To: thinkpad @ cs.utk.edu @ INTERNET
cc:  (bcc: Bill Abt/CAM/Lotus)
Subject: 755C and docking station

Hello all,
We recently 'discovered' an older 755C (we are using Cx's), and I have hit a 
little snag.  I have loaded Windows 95 on it (please no comments from the 
peanut gallery), and it works perfect.  Now we put it in a docking station 
(Dock2), and we want to be able to close the lid and have the system not go 
into suspend mode.  The old PS2 commands won't work in 95.  Does anyone have 
any suggestions?