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Overheating problems with long continuous use?

(Sorry for the previous blank message)

Hello all,

We have a Thinkpad 755CDV, p75, 16M, 1G HD. We use almost exclusively
the OS Linux, connecting the machine when she is not traveling to an
ethernet by means of an IBM PCMCIA credit card adapter.  We keep the
machine closed (apparently in suspend mode), and are able to connect to
her through the net, opening windows on our desktop (UNIX) machines. We
usually keep our machines up continuously, and we were doing the same
with the Thinkpad, but we have recently wonder whether this can be bad
in her case.

The question is: is there any problem (for example, overheating) in
keeping a thinkpad machine up (and closed) for long periods of time?

:                                    : Facultad de Informatica           :
: Daniel Cabeza Gras                 : Universidad Politecnica de Madrid :
:   CLIP Group                       : 28660-Boadilla del Monte, MADRID  :
: dcabeza@dia.fi.upm.es              : SPAIN                             :