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Re: Problems w/Colorado T1000 tape bkup?

At 07:51 PM 3/6/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Adam Finkelstein wrote:
>> I'm thinking about buying a T1000 tape back-up (HP Colorado)
>> to utilize with my Thinkpad755cse. Has anyone encountered any 
>> problems with
>> these units? It runs from the parallel port.
>I just bought a parallel port tape drive (the Iomega Ditto 3200). It 
>will not work from my Thinkpad 701C. The software just can't see the 
>drive. (The drive is fine; it works on other machines.) I am going to 
>call IBM tomorrow to see if there is anything that can be done.

I have a Parallel Storage Solutions tape drive (and a MicroSolutions CD-ROM)
that runs just fine under DOS/Win3.x or Warp from my TP755CE's parallel port.