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Re: 701C Battery Discharge

On Fri, 1 Mar 1996 17:00:10 -0500 (EST), John H. Kim wrote:
"Since it's possible for the battery to say 100% when it isn't really at
"100%, that might account for why it seems to die with 30+% or an hour
"left.  For some reason it thinks it's reached 100% charge when it's only
"at 70%.  That stops the battery from charging futher.  Then when 
"discharging it estimates time from 100%, meaning the battery is drained 
"when the computer thinks there's 30% left.  I'm rather curious how the 
"computer comes up with these numbers. 

	Thanks for your comments.  The implication seems to be that the 701
gets confused when you switch batteries.  I've never encountered this
problem before, and only recently bought my 2 NiMHs, and it was just
in the past week that I first started using both, never needing more
than 3 hours at a time.  So, how does the computer track power
available - the battery or the system?  Maybe we've found a bug.  Is
anyone regularly swapping batteries who's *never* had this happen?
	PS:  I'm going to post this to comp.sys.laptops for more replies.
laptop central: