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Re: Internet Services...

** Reply to note from  <BrianPK@aol.com> 02/07/96  8:21pm -0500

> I know this is off the point of the main discusion thread, but I am looking 
> to set up an internet account that will allow me the following: 
> 1.  E-mail 
> 2.  Local numbers for most major cities 
> 3.  Ability to read newsgroups 
> 4.  Free server space for a small web page 
> 5.  Unlimited access 

I got a postcard from the people at www.concentric.net last week.  I don't know  
anything about them or how good their service is, but from their web page, they  
are running an interesting-looking promotion right now if you're willing to fork  
over the money for 6 or 12 months of service.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?  I appreciate it...


cc: tp750@cs.utk.edu