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Re: need good ideas for transferring hard drive contents

The only real way to do it is to use Microsoft Win95 Backup to backup 
drive to a tape or optical disk.  Then install Win95 on the new drive 
and do a restore.

> From:          <ucsd!fulcrum.com!scott.newman>
> Date:          Fri, 26 Jan 96 10:50:19 EST
> To:            cs.utk.edu!tp750
> Subject:       need good ideas for transferring hard drive contents

>      The good news is that I received a 1.2GB drive to replace my 540MB 
>      disk.  The bad news is that I have to transfer my Win95 system onto 
>      the bigger disk somehow.
>      Does anyone have suggestions for how to do this with a minimum of 
>      pain, and still keep Win95 from getting upset?
>      Scott