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Re: need good ideas for transferring hard drive contents

I think that there are several steps missing or assumptions being made here.
1. Does Scott have a second machine?
	If so, and IF he has disk space on it, he could copy his current
	disk contents over there temporarily.  It would help to have laplink
	or some other direct connection or MKS Tools.
2. Does Scott have any kind of tape backup device?
	If so, he could dump an image of the disk to tape, and restore from
	that.  He would need to make a bootable system floppy containing
	fdisk and the tape software and some other stuff maybe, beforehand.
3. If Scott has none of the above, make the system floppy, and buy a bunch
	of additional floppies and start copying. :)

Good luck,

On Jan 26, 11:04am, Lolo LaSida wrote:
> Subject: Re: need good ideas for transferring hard drive contents
> The best way is just to laplink the whole image of your original drive.
>-- End of excerpt from Lolo LaSida

Vince Wayland	Onsite at The National Environmental Supercomputer Center
(517)894-7671			for Cray Research, Inc.
veg@nesc.epa.gov	NESC, 135 Washington Ave., Bay City, MI  48708