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Re: Using GlidePoint pad with TP755

> From:	IN%"redmond@engr.wisc.edu"  "Michael Redmond" 16-JAN-1996 15:10:14.30
> Subj:	Using GlidePoint pad with TP755

> Is there a fix out there to use the pad clicking capabilities of the
> Glidepoint with ThinkPads. This would be particularly useful if it was also
> plug-and-play capable. I would like to hot dock the Glidepoint when in my
> office and undock to use the Trackpoint when I go home, preferably without
> restarting.


I think you're out of luck.  I have a GlidePoint connected to my desktop at
home, which I disconnected and hooked up to the TP750CE when I brought it home. 
Apparently, the only way to set up the tap-clicking is to install Glidepoint's
drivers, which (in all likelihood) clobber the Trackpoint.  Since the TP
actually is used in our office for training, I didn't mess around with
installing the GlidePoint drivers.

Of course, I'd be ecstatic to see if anyone else knows otherwise!

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