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Re[2]: 755cd pentium upgrade

     Thanks for the information.  I called IBM Canada's sales support line. 
     It sounds like the upgrade is the P24T, because they tell me that it 
     isn't as fast as a true 75MHz Pentium due to the 32-bit external data 
     path.  Not surprisingly, the person that I talked to didn't know 
     anything about a 10% performance degradation compared to a 100MHz 
     486DX4.  Is there an on-line source for this information?
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Subject: Re: 755cd pentium upgrade
Author:  Michael Verne/VENTANA <Michael_Verne/VENTANA.ITP@lgate.vmedia.com>

<original text deleted>
most dx4/100's, *including* the tp 755cd are clock-tripled on a 33mhz board.  
(most other ibm dx4/100's are, much to their own undoing, clock-doubled on a 
50mhz board.)  most pentiums, i'm told, run 3 instructions per 2 clock cycles, 
so a 75mhz pentium runs on a 50mhz board.  i don't know if this applies to this 
particular upgrade, but i would also want to find out if this pentium chip is 
of the p24t variety.  if so, don't do it.  the p24t technology is like a 
pentium sx.  it's 64 bit internally, but 32 bit externally, and the 75mhz 
version runs (according to ibm) about 10% slower than a dx4/100.
Michael J. Verne
Systems Analyst, Ventana Communications Group 