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Re: hard drives for tp720c?

I'm looking for a hard drive for my recently acquired 701C.  Can
anyone help me out?

BTW, do you know of another mail list for the 701?


> "I bought a 720 Million Bytes (!) HD for a tp720c at Sigma Data, phone: 800 446
> 4525, fax:603 526 6919.
> Educational price was $1100,- (1295 non edu.)"
> I hope this was some time ago. I bought a 1.2 gig drive for a 750 for 
> little more than this a few months ago.

Pat Mason                         |    email: patmason@sequent.com
Sequent Computer Systems, Inc.    |           uunet!sequent!patmason
(503) 578-5826                    |      fax: (503) 578-5797