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Re: taking thinkpad 701c on ski vacation

On Thu, 21 Dec 1995, Jeffrey Hsu wrote:

> Does anything bad happen to thinkpads when they freeze?  I'm going on
> a ski vacation and am planning to take my notebook with me, except
> I'm worried about leaving it in the car in freezing conditions.  Any
> horror stories about cracked screens or frozen disks I should know about?

I took a LONG walk yesterday in the Connecticut cold.  My thinkpad was in 
my rucksack.  When I got home, and started it up, it made all sorts of 
nasty whirring noises--its sounded like the bearings were grinding.

Ben Samman..............................................samman@cs.yale.edu
"If what Proust says is true, that happiness is the absence of fever, then
I will never know happiness. For I am possessed by a fever for knowledge,
experience, and creation."                                      -Anais Nin
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