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Re: pcmcia modems and audio

At 6:51 PM 12/1/95, Ed Hurley wrote:
>recently i've seen a lot of mail on this list regarding
>pcmcia modems and audio. some of it has led me to believe
>that i can't use the audio and pcmcia modem card simultaneously.
>is this correct? i need to know because i want to port some
>speech recognition apps to my tp755cv (and soon tp760c), and
>i really want to be able to run those apps remotely while
>connecting back to my home servers via pcmcia modem and slip.

        Actually, as I understood it, it was that the DSP couldn't handle
doing 28.8K while it was also doing sound (anyone want to comment on its
ability to do 14.4K while doing sound?  Can it?).

        It sounded as if the reason someone was interested in a PCMCIA card
was so they *could* run the (PCMCIA) modem and still get sound at the same
time, whereas the DSP couldn't do both tasks at once.

>oh, i'm running linux.
>any help appreciated,

        And I know nothing about linux!  ;-)  Seems to me though that the
linux users had more or less said that their wasn't a driver to run the DSP
modem--at least not at 28.8K or something like that.  Someone with more
knowledge care to comment?


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