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EMM386 error on 755C

I use a 755CE at work, and have two co-workers with 755C's. Almost every
time they exit Windows they recive the following message:

"EMM386 has detected error #06 in an application at memory address
00B8:0B89. To minimize the chance of data loss, EMM386 has halted your
computer. For more information, see the README.TXT file.

To restart your computer, press Enter."

This happens almost every time they exit Windows, whether or not they
actually run anything. Sometimes it happens immediately, sometmes a few
minutes after entering DOS. Both computers started with PC-DOS 6.x, and
moved to MS-DOS 6.22, with no change. One is now back on PC-DOS, and one is
still on MS-DOS. No amount of changes to CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT reduces
these errors, nor did swapping or removing ram cards (both have 20 meg
total each). Oddly enough, my 755CE (on PC-DOS, MS-DOS/Windows wouldn't
install at all) hasn't had this at all.

In addition, a few older DOS apps used for PLC programming crash reliably
on the 755C's, but not my CE. Is there some architectural flaw in the 755C?

Any suggestions on how to stop this would be appreciated.

Dave Inskeep.


    "640K ought to be enough for anybody."
        -- Bill Gates, 1981
