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Re: Newsgroup creation...

Casting a vote for comp.thinkpad.  My newsfeed doesn't supply alt. groups.  I'd
hate to miss the valuable information I always get from these postings!

\          Dennis J. Gormley                           Tel:  (215) 222-1532
\\         Operations Manager                          Fax:  (215) 222-0416
\\\\       Health Sciences Libraries Consortium        Int:  gormley@hslc.org
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Original message(s) follow:

> From:	MX%"wmng@berlioz.nsc.com" 30-OCT-1995 18:23:04.72
> Subj:	Re: Newsgroup creation...

> > From owner-tp750@cs.utk.edu Mon Oct 30 14:15:19 1995
> > Return-Path: <owner-tp750@cs.utk.edu>
> > Subject: Newsgroup creation...
> > To: tp750@cs.utk.edu
> > X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24]
> > Content-Type> : > text> 
> > Content-Length: 413
> > X-Lines: 17
> > 
> > Hi all...
> > 
> > I'm going to look into starting a Thinkpad group on the newsnet.
> > 
> > There are really a lot of users of Thinkpads now, and while this list has 
> > been useful, I think that the volume really has gotten quite cumbersome.  
> > Of course, this doesn't mean that we don't have to have a mailing list 
> > also.  Yet, I think that a newsgroup really seems long overdue.
> > 
> > How about...
> > 
> > alt.thinkpad
> or
> comp.thinkpad?
> -William Ng
> > 
> > ?
> > 
> > Any other ideas?
> > 
> >