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Re: Lilo with cylinder>1024 on TP?

> Hi,
> I'm sure this is a FAQ-Question, but I can't solve it...
> I have a hard disk with at least 1047 cylinders, and LinuX starts well if 
> I use loadlin with DOS. But if I try to use LILO, it just brings me 'LI' 
> and the a lot of '0101010101', but nothing more.
> What have I to do?

I've seen this and what you need to do is add a line to your
/etc/lilo.conf file.  I think the command is "nolinear"?  I
found it in the lilo documentation though it was kinda hard to
see (a friend had the same problem with a 360CSE and I figured
the info had to be somewhere!).

Good luck!  If this doesn't work then there are some other options
(maybe the compact one?) - try them.

+----------------------------Ren & Stimpy--------------------------------+
| "Psst. Hey Guido. It's all so clear to me now. I'm the keeper of the   |
| cheese. And you're the lemon merchant. Get it? And he knows it. That's |
| why he's gonna kill us. So we gotta beat it. Yeah. Before he lets      |
| loose the marmosets on us! Don't worry, little missy! I'll save you!"  |
+------------------ Brad Pepers -- pepersb@cuug.ab.ca -------------------+