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Question to 3COM 3c589 owners

Sorry, this is not a ThinkPad question, but there seem to be a lot  
of you with these cards out there ... apologies to anyone on the  
list who's thin-skinned about bandwidth.

I recently took delivery of a 3COM combo card, and was initially  
pleased to find they'd redesigned the card/cable attachment since I  
got my first card over a year ago.  The new design has clips on the  
side of the connector (sort of like you have on SCSI plugs), whereas  
the old one was just held in by friction.  The problem with the  
original design was the plug would pull out if you snagged the  
ethernet cable, which I managed to do all the time.

In that respect the newer design is an obvious improvement (you  
*can't* pull the plug accidentally), but I find that the connection  
is extremely flaky.  So much so that I can't work with the TP on my  
lap anymore, because small tensions on the ethernet cable cause  
intermittent breaks in the connection, and sometimes even *reboots*  
(Win95 on a TP750 mono).

Do I have a lame card, or is anyone else with the newer clip-style  
connector experiencing the same? (ie, maybe it's a design problem).   
Any war stories on returning defective merchandise to 3COM?

Tim Vetter    vfr@stm537.ubszh.net.ch (MIME, NEXTMAIL)
              tim.vetter@ubs.com    (ASCII, alternate)
Forex & Fixed Income Trading Development
Union Bank of Switzerland
voice: (+41) 1/2358422   fax: (+41) 1/2355129
snail: LEIT/LITH-VFR Postfach 8021 Zurich, Switzerland