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Re: Denver, Co Computer City TP755C

> A 755C on clearance for $3200 is not very interesting.
> Barnett Computers in NYC was selling new 755CE 8/540's
> on clearance for $2999.  I don't know if they have any left though.

  I'm not sure I'd trust Barnett's though; when I spoke with them once while
inquiring about a machine they were very condescending to the point of being
rude.  I've exchanged email with a fellow who ordered a machine from them that
was supposed to have a 2400bps PCMCIA modem thrown in; he never got it, and
they've effectively told him to f*ck off.  I've seen more than one report of
bait-and-switch tactics used by Barnett's, including someone who saw a
newspaper ad that was a great deal, went there that day and they were "out"
and not issuing rainchecks.  When he pressed the issue, they basically told
him he'd have to be stupid to think he was going to get that machine for that

  Whether these reports are true or not, I can't say.  Try posting to the
newsgroup comp.sys.laptops and ask for people's impressions.  I'm sure you'll
hear more negative comments than positive; there are better places to spend
your money.

 Lew Jansen                        Systems Manager, High Energy Physics Theory
 lrj@hepth.cornell.edu     233 Newman Lab, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853