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Re: using German phone lines

> Magellan's travel catalog (1-800-962-4943), sells what they
> call a "TeleFilter" for $49.50 that they claim eliminates
> these signals.  The catalog number is #ET009, and they say
> that it is "strongly recommended in Austria, Germany, and
> Switzerland."

Yikes, $49.50 ... I *must* get into the hardware business.  Made
one of these things a few months ago out of four resistors and
three capacitors, grand total cost about $2.  If somebody wants
the schematic, mail me and I'll try to dig it up.

Tim Vetter    vfr@stm537.ubszh.net.ch (MIME, NEXTMAIL)
              tim.vetter@ubs.com    (ASCII, alternate)
Forex & Fixed Income Trading Development
Union Bank of Switzerland
voice: (+41) 1/2358422   fax: (+41) 1/2355129
snail: LEIT/LITH-VFR Postfach 8021 Zurich, Switzerland