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TrackPoint II drifting

My 755CD TrackPint III will have mild episodes of drift - the mouse cursor will
start moving on it's own - that usually stop after .25-.50 inches.  This I can
live with and even remember reading about in the manual somewhere.

The real reason for this post is an older 350 we have at work.  It has more
frequent episodes with it's TrackPoint II, but the cursor will keep moving
until it hits the edge of the screen.  I know the 350 isn't technically within
the scope of this list, but I wondered if any of you experienced a similar
problem with a 350 and if so was there a solution.


Mark J Strawcutter                           Internet:  mjstraw@grove.iup.edu 
Director, Systems and Communications         BITNET:    MJSTRAW@IUP
Indiana University of Pennsylvania           Voice:     (412) 357-4007
Indiana, PA   15705                          "you can't nail jello to a tree"